Attention & Hyperactivity (ADHD)

Reading and writing is so closely related to hearing and speech, that it is highly recommended to test for ear dominance when there are concerns in that area. Whilst it is quite easy to check for hand, foot and eye dominance, this is somewhat more complicated for ear dominance and in general specialist help will be required to test this.
In most of the SAS programmes we use Binaural Frequency Differentials (BFD), which aim to gently guide our naturally occurring brainwaves in a certain direction, either up or down, faster or slower.
You know if you are right or left handed, unless you belong to the very select group of naturally ambidextrous people who are equally at ease using their right hand or their left hand for all tasks. There is also mixed handedness, where some tasks are more easily performed with one hand and other tasks more easily with the other hand. But apart from these exceptions to the rule, most people are either right or left handed.